Big Pharma's

Permanently Enlarged Prostate Hoax

That keeps you hooked on pills for life

In this Informative Free Report:

1. How to stop peeing constantly at night, get a restful night and regain your sexual prowess

2. A cutting edge medical treatment backed by 100,000 scientific studies.

Dear Friend,

You know how it is, you get up to pee at 11:00PM, then at 12:30, then at 2:00AM and on and on...

Each and every time you struggle to pee and when you can finally leak a few drops and drible. It feels like you've completed an olympic task.

Only to realize in a short while you’ll have to do it all over again...because as soon as you're just starting to feel drowsy, the bladder asks for it once more.

How have you managed to live like this for the last few (or many) years?

You Know the Problem is Your Prostate and Your Doctor is Keeping You On Pills.

   Research shows that Finasteride, Tamsulosin, and other drugs are effective...just for the symptoms, but they will never treat the underlying causes of enlarged prostate.

This horrible feature will keep you dependent on drugs for the rest of your life just to somewhat diminish the hurdle.

To make this worse, the side effects can include:

● Drops in blood pressure that lead to dizziness or even fainting.

● Lack of sexual desire and impotence.

● Swelling in hands and feet.

● Abnormal ejaculation.

As a natural health enthusiast, your options may feel varied, but saw palmetto, zinc, pumpkin seed, vitamins, minerals and other supplements look promising, but they work quite irregularly and not quite as you need them to.

You don’t perform as well sexually like your lady craves, you don’t have the powerful stream like when you were 25, and you can’t sleep the amount of hours your body and mind need...but...

Who am I and why can I help you unlike many people in the U.S. medical establishment? 

My name is Joshua Ketner and I’m from the line of thought that says “your body deserves a natural healing process and it shouldn’t be restricted by…

Doctors With Outdated Knowledge, Big Pharma’s Special Interest (for them, not for you) And Draconian Government Regulations.

   The treatment I’m about to share with you is cutting edge alternative medicine, yet has been proven to work since the 1990’s.

It isn’t some experimental treatment limited to trials on animals or just a few dozen human patients.                                                  No...if you Google what I’m about to tell you, you’ll discover there are at least 100,000 studies that prove its efficacy.

Imagine this life:

● Waking just once or twice a night to pee.

● Stand on the toilet and listen to that sweet, constant, and strong flow.

● Feeling your bladder relieved and the normal size you need to have a healthy life.

● Having loving, satisfying sex without the shame of underperforming.

● Living without fear you’ll pee your pants in front of your family, friends, neighbors and even co-workers.

This treatment will not cause you side effects because it doesn’t get anything new into your body, it helps it heal like you did as a little kid.

What I’m talking about is...

Mesenchymal Stem Cells

   What are those?

You can think of them as the “Mothers of all Cells.” They’re referred to as MSCs and also called Medicinal Signaling Cells.

They’re like your own body’s doctor because they target inflammation and guide the healing of the underlying issue. They can guide the regeneration of cartilage, ligaments, muscles, bone and soft tissue.

They are part of your natural way of healing. They live on your capillaries as what are called pericytes. These pericytes look like a little octopus wrapped around the capillaries, where they constrict and control blood pressure.

When they detect inflammation in the area, they then release and rush to the area to act like the manager on the construction site. They figure out what is causing the inflammation then release signalling proteins, neurotrophic factors and exosomes to guide your body to heal like it did as a little kid.

They will guide the removal of scar tissue first which is usually preventing the healing. The scar tissue is like having a bad foundation that your normal healing process can´t build upon. No more scar tissue means your body can finally heal.

Whenever there’s a problem, they identify it and decide by themselves what type of tissue is needed to regenerate that part of your body and start guiding the cells that are needed to do the job.

Pretty cool isn’t it?

Unfortunately as you age, your body starts producing less of them and also in lower quality, this is one of the reasons why every medical problem tends to become more difficult to cure as years go by.

Your hair thins, your muscles and bones become more fragile and your prostate loses the capacity of regenerating tissue when it’s swollen.

Leaving you with lower quality of life, lower quality of erections, lower quality of sleep and painful, frustrating, obnoxious, embarrassing problems that prevent you from urinating normally.

And there’s more…

15 Million Cells Die in Your Body 
Every Second of Every Day

When you’re young they are your golden years, your body loses the ability to produce more of these vital cells little by little.

If we were living in the 1950’s, 60’s or 70’s you wouldn’t have any choice but to learn to live with the symptoms for the rest of your life and accept your dire destiny.
But not anymore!
Mesenchymal stem cell research took a huge leap in the 1990’s and scientists discovered they could stimulate the “Mothers of all Cells” to guide regeneration of bone tissue, cartilage tissue, muscle tissue, etc.
This meant a huge deal and opened a whole new myriad of possibilities for treating all kinds of diseases and ailments.
In 1991, Dr. Arnold I. Caplan published the results of his studies in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research (September Issue) and this is what he says.
“Mesenchymal stem cells divide, and their progeny become committed to a specific and distinctive phenotypic pathway, a lineage with discrete steps and, finally, end‐stage cells involved with fabrication of a unique tissue type, e.g., cartilage, bone, or muscle.”
Your prostate is built with muscle tissue, thus it can be regenerated with mesenchymal stem cells.
Years have passed since the roaring 90s. More and more scientists all around the world have conducted studies of their own and all results point at the same place.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells Can Be Used to Regenerate and Revitalize Your Body

   In 2001 Doctors José J. Mingell, Alejandro Erices, and Paulette Conget (University of Santiago, Chile) Published this in the June Issue of the Journal of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine.
“The multipotential of mesenchymal stem cells, their easy isolation and culture, as well as their high ex vivo expansive potential make these cells an attractive therapeutic tool.”
You see?

Mesenchymal stem cells are your body’s natural solution for regenerating the damaged tissue in your overgrown prostate.

Now, I can easily figure out what’s going through your head...If this treatment is so freaking marvelous…Why On Earth Haven’t You Heard of It?

There are 3 reasons:

Most doctors mean well but they are too overworked and constrained to keep themselves updated with every new treatment available and sometimes even to treat patients with the intimacy and dignity their profession requires.
Big Pharma will certainly not do anything that drives business away from them, it’s more profitable to keep you buying their drugs for years than doing something to actually cure you.

The United States Government loves to overregulate making any alternative treatment extremely scarce and expensive.
Which leads me to my next point...

Uncle Sam only allows autologous treatments. This means that if you want stem cells, doctors have to cut you open, extract bone marrow tissue and then inject it back on the area you need.

This is painful, expensive and not nearly as effective as it may sound.

As I told you before, when you age your own mesenchymal stem cells age with you. They’re literally extracting cells that have been proven not to work and inject them back into you.
In extremely low quantities too. As a matter of fact, autologous treatments in the US cannot be cultivated (replicated) so you are lucky to get tens of thousands of stem cells while places like Mexico that allow cultivation can get tens or hundreds of millions of stem cells.
It becomes a numbers game and this is not a game that you can afford to lose.

The bone marrow or fat derived autologous stem cells won’t do you any harm (except for the small surgery it requires), but certainly won’t do you much good either. And It can burn a $10,000 USD whole in your wallet.
There is just no way you can get effective stem cell treatment in the U.S.

No. what you need are brand new cells, healthy cells that will do the job and you can find them at a much affordable price.

This is why I Founded Dream Body Clinic.
16 years ago my father was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease, me and my family spent 2 years researching everything about it and its treatments.
Because it is a muscle deterioration disease, growth hormones and testosterone seem like a good alternative to try.
But...regulations in my state prevented us from trying other treatments.
This made me realize how messed up our healthcare system is and if you're willing to try an alternative, they'll put you in these programs where you're a guinea pig and you don't even know if you're getting the real deal or just a sneaky placebo.
Long story short, they gave my dad the medication but in extremely low dosis. And we couldn’t do anything about it.
After he passed away, I came to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico because the opportunity to open an assisted living facility knocked on my door.
Here I met a doctor who was doing a hormone fly by program.
I opened a website after he went back to the US for a PHD program and started promoting the same thing he was doing. A little while later, patients started to come and business thrived. 4 years passed and I rediscovered stem cells as a solid alternative to my dad's disease.
Now...I don’t dare to claim that if we were able to treat him with mesenchymal stem cells we would have cured Lou Gehrig’s and he’d still be with us.

But I just can’t understand why my country didn’t allow us to try a safe alternative treatment that’s proven to increase the quality of life of someone I loved.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m proud to call myself an American, but sadly I have no choice but to admit the system isn’t always designed to serve us Americans.
That’s why I think Mexico is such a better alternative. Everything is regulated to keep people safe and yet you're free to try something that might let you live healthy and in peace.

I’ve been living here for more than 12 years and been lucky enough to form my own family and build a successful business.

But this is about you and the kind of treatment you need…

Stem Cells Will Only Be Effective if You Get Them Right From a Healthy Source and in Big Quantities. You Can’t Find Either in the U.S

Ironically if you want to get an effective and safe treatment you have to come “South of the Border. Down Mexico Way.”
Why can we offer a better service than anything you can find in the U.S?
Because we get our mesenchymal stem cells from healthy young donors and we can give you 50 million or more to ensure your prostate gets rejuvenated, revitalized and restored.
We don’t take any sample tissue from abortions or miscarriages and all the donors are screened for pathological conditions, if they present any signs of disease or virus they’re immediately ruled out.
All of this is tripled checked by a 3rd party lab.
That way we can guarantee you get the best quality of mesenchymal stem cells available in the market.
I’ve done my research and I’m sure you too. I can tell you with confidence this treatment doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world.
There are other clinics in other countries but none of them offer a stem cell treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia which is the root cause of prostatitis.
Our treatment focuses on addressing the cause thanks to the efficient use of the “mothers of all cells.”
As I’ve said, their job is to regenerate the damaged tissue making the prostate completely functional again.
The symptoms diminish as soon as the function of the tissue is properly regenerated. Giving you the best results without secondary effects.
We’ve seen than most of our patients start noticing changes on an average of 3 months and peak results in 6 months at most
You don’t have to take my word for it, let me introduce you to Johnny, he’s a Ph.D. Laboratory Naturopathic Doctor and here’s what he had to say after the treatment.

Here’s Steve who’s dad and cousins have also been treated by us.

This next video features my daughter, she obviously doesn’t have a prostate but I want to show you how confident I am on the power and safety of stem cell treatments.

Great But, What Will My 

Treatment Look Like?

Ok, there are some steps to follow.

First, we need to do an ultrasound with a full blood panel and give you an antigen, these are required to rule out any sign of cancer.

Mesenchymal stem cells are so skilled at what they do they even help cancer cells to grow. So if by any chance there’s even a small sign of cancer in your body, we can’t go on with the treatment.

We would be helping it and hurting you if that was the case, so the first thing is to completely rule it out.

Second, 50 million cells are injected directly into your prostate. Don’t panic, it’s not nearly as painful as it sounds.

It's just a small pinch with a very thin needle. It sounds worse than it actually is because you'll feel some pressure and discomfort but most of the time patients don't feel any pain.

If you compare it to an IV, the IV hurts more. The procedure is completely outpatient and it lasts only 5 minutes.

No anesthetics are needed, in fact a shot to anesthetize you (lidocaine) will hurt and burn more than if we don't use any.

You might have to avoid drinking alcohol for a few days but you don't need to take any specific measure or take care of bandages or not being able to take a shower or anything like that.

Finally we need you to stay in Vallarta for 4 days and the itinerary looks something like this:

Day 1-Arrive and rest.

Day 2-We collect blood samples for the lab and we give you a laxative to flush out the colon one night before your treatment. We also performed an ultrasound of the prostate the very same day.

Day 3-You get the treatment.

Day 4-You fly back home.

In our price we don’t include flights and hotels, but we take the responsibility to offer transportation from the airport to your hotel and hotel to the clinic for as long as you stay.

Josh, All of This Sounds Awesome, But How Much is it Going to Cost Me and What Do I Need to Do to Book a Treatment?

For starters it’s always great to see how my patients’ life has gotten better by deciding to take their healthcare away from people who don’t have their best interest at heart and take them into their own hands.

Wouldn’t it better to take your own urge to pee, your sleep routine and your own hard erections out of the medical establishment’s power?

That’s why I want you to see for yourself the wonders mesenchymal stem cells can do for you.

Right now is the best time to try this unique in the world, alternative medicine cutting edge treatment.

Why would you wait 3, 5, or 10 more years to lead a normal and healthy life in your golden age. The time where after a lifetime of work you get to relax and enjoy what good health has to offer.

Here are 2 reasons why you shouldn’t wait any longer.

Reason #1, You’ll notice a night and day difference in your need to pee constantly, a stronger stream of urine and all the restful night sleep you want.

And remember stem cells are not drugs that come with secondary effects attached, they’re nature’s own way to dealing with the rejuvenation of your prostate.

Reason #2, Your age shouldn’t be an issue, sex can get better with it if you’re able to perform.

Why should you deny your sweetheart the pleasure she wants from you and why should you deny it to yourself?

You don’t need to keep dealing with soft erections (if there’s any erection in the first place)

So here’s my proposal...

Usually you can get an ultrasound in the U.S. for $375, a full blood panel for up to $1,000 or even more, a specialized doctor consultation can cost $275,and a bone marrow stem cell shot averages from $6,000-$10,000.

Totalling up to $11,650. But you won’t pay anywhere near that price if you come to my clinic in Vallarta.

Dream Body Clinic can afford to give you all of that at the price of $2,500, and remember our mesenchymal stem cell shot has not 10 thousand cells, but 50 million.

That’s right, by coming to Mexico you save a bit more than 80% on the price to get 4000% more stem cells than in the U.S.

We don’t accept payments until you’ve arrived in Puerto Vallarta, as soon as you’re in the clinic with us, you make your payment and we immediately start the protocols for your treatment.

To make a booking click on this link and fill out our patient form for P Shot 50 Million Cells.

Fair enough?

Frankly, Dream Body Clinic would go out of business by making these claims if our treatments didn’t work.

We have the scientific proof and the satisfaction of our repeat patients who have come time after time to improve their health.

Freedom from frequent bathroom visits, uninterrupted sleep nights, waking up energized and refreshed, and the protection of your manhood and sexual prowess.

You get all that with Our 50 Million Stem Cells P Shot so click on this link right now and fill out our patient intake form.

To a life with vitality and vigor on your own terms.

Joshua Ketner

Founder and CEO of Dream Body Clinic
